Ideological unconscious, historical ethos and affect: the historical forms of individuality and the problematization of the baroque
Baroque, Bolívar Echeverría, Capitalism, Fredric Jameson, Juan Carlos Rodríguez, Modes of subjectivation, SubjectAbstract
The article presents the studies of Juan Carlos Rodríguez (1993, 2017), Fredric Jameson (2013, 2015), and Bolívar Echeverría (1996, 1998) who address the emergence of Modernity, its impact on the sphere of culture and the subsequent constitution of a specific type of individuality. On the basis of certain key concepts, they offer an explanation of the relationship between the market economy that begins to emerge in the transition from feudalism to capitalism and certain dispositions that appear in certain cultural products to consider the individual as a freely self-determining subject, taking into account the fact that ideology manifests a constructive character. Analyzing similarities and differences, the text proposes a complementary reading of all of them, arguing that they refer, in original ways, to a common phenomenon.
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