The power to love and the althusserian loved one: transits and transformations in The Future Lasts a Long Time
Love, Own name, Philosophy, Louis Althusser, The Future Lasts a Long Time, PsychoanalysisAbstract
The Future Lasts a Long Time, autobiographical work of Louis Althusser, shows a characteristic that makes his reflection novel: It is not a study on love or affection, but in his narrative, this is the concept that circulates undeniably. The article develops the concepts of being able to love and be loved as the Althusserian actions that, together, constitute the fundamental axes to understand the concept of love in the work. To address it, we resort to a framework of philosophical and psychoanalytic understanding, since they allow an approach to the dialogues and tensions that are traced from desire, the nominalization of the Other as an act of subjective configuration and writing as an act of interpretation of oneself. It is concluded that the philosopher makes an epistemological and ontological transit that glimpses three Althusser, showing possibilities of transformation of the affection that was the protagonist in the life narrated by the philosopher. Methodologically, the Gadamerian interpretation of the work is used, rivileging a deep, slow reading, in short, a slow and reflective conversation.
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