The testimony of Etty Hillesum from the mystic of open eyes profile of Benjamín González Buelta
Benjamín González Buelta, Etty Hillesum, Spirituality, Spiritualy itinerary, Mysticism, Mystical profileAbstract
Two relatively contemporary mystics: Etty Hillesum and Benjamín González
Buelta; two styles, two contexts, and a coincidence established from their
spiritual experiences, in deep connection with reality, in the midst of life and
its challenges. Hillesum does not speak properly of the mystical experience,
however, the personal existential process of her in the harsh context of the
war, led her to discover herself deeply inhabited. Her experience of God made
it possible for her to understand and manage the pain in the midst of war, as
well as the need to “make balm on the wounds” of her Jewish brothers. Etty is
a wide-eyed mystic. Benjamín González Buelta has deepened his understanding
of mysticism, describing and analyzing it from the experience of God in the Latin
American context. His reflection today allows one to read Etty Hillesum from the
perspective of the wide-eyed mystic.
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