About Protarco's perplexity in Philebus by Plato





Dialectics, Philebus, Plato, Philosophical perplexity, Protarco, Sócrates


This article introduces the problem of Protarco's philosophical perplexity in the Philebus by Plato. The thesis is: the attitude of one who examines himself using dialectics, and it is exposed in the character of Protarco, it is an attitude of a philosophical order on which Plato insists in the Philebus dialogue. Faced with the problem of whether it is pleasure or wisdom what should guide a good life, or whether it is the mixture between these two, Socrates will say that it is the mixture of both, but with the predominance of wisdom through the use of reason. The acceptance of this way of solving the problem implied the transformation of his soul availability for Protarco, which was based on the experience of his philosophical perplexity.


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Author Biography

Edison Francisco Viveros Chavarría, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

Profesional en Desarrollo Familiar (Universidad Católica Luis Amigó), Estudiante Pregrado en Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia), Especialista en Teoría, Métodos y Técnicas de Investigación Social (Universidad de Antioquia), y Magister en Educación y Desarrollo Humano (Universidad de Manizales). Docente Investigador Universidad Católica Luis Amigó


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How to Cite

Viveros Chavarría, E. F. (2020). About Protarco’s perplexity in Philebus by Plato. Perseitas, 8, 351–369. https://doi.org/10.21501/23461780.3673