Trans-sexuality: reality or myth? True or false? A philosophical perspective




Foucault, Heidegger, Identity, Postmodernity, Trans- sexuality.


This paper focuses on a factual description, under a Heideggerian perspective, of the traditional conception of trans sexuality, opening hermeneutical possibilities based on Heidegger´s ontological foundation, in such a way, that shows that postmodernity is the time of sexual liberation and awareness that brings about and questions the logical postulates that have been predominant in our culture.


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Author Biography

Orlando Arroyave Valencia, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

*Doctor en Filosofía de la Universidad Pontificia Gregoriana de Roma. Profesor interno en la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Integrante del grupo de investigación en filosofía Epimeleia. Autor de varios libros y artículos sobre la filosofía contemporánea, especialmente la postmodernidad.


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How to Cite

Arroyave Valencia, O. (2020). Trans-sexuality: reality or myth? True or false? A philosophical perspective. Perseitas, 8, 123–141.