Sexuality, affectivity and corporeity: icon in the trinitarian relationship




Emotional nature, Corporeality, Gaudium et spes, Sexuality


The pastoral Constitution Gaudium et spes is the magnifying glass through which
we will try to visualize the Trinitarian framework setting of relationships that
compose human nature: sexuality, affectivity and corporeality; since the base of
his theoretical body is the anthropological principle of theology: man has been
created in the image and likeness of God: the Trinity (Gn 1,26). Therefore, man
is trinity by participation. The underlying question is how to understand the
human person as a Trinitarian being? For this it is indispensable to enter into the
mystery of the Trinity in order to clarify the mystery of man (GS 22).


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Author Biography

Jonathan Stiven Tobón Monsalve, Universitá Pontificia Salesiana, Roma, Italia.



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How to Cite

Tobón Monsalve, J. S. (2018). Sexuality, affectivity and corporeity: icon in the trinitarian relationship. Perseitas, 6(1), 209–222.



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