On the need of recognition
egology, Ethics, Psychologism, Recognition mutual recognitionAbstract
This article analyzes the recognition issue. The thesis is that the search of recognition is part of human nature and it creates a need of otherness. The recognition need is not a defect nor is it a sickly attitude in human beings. It is “psychologism” that has made it seem this way through excessive direction towards a subject that thinks about him or herself. The “psychologism” is an apology to egology which justifies the reception of subjectivity above the relationship with others. The conclusion is that one only becomes a subject as a result of absolute responsibility for the other. It is not in the solipsism, nor in the “psychologism” but in the otherness that the dynamic of relationship of mutual recognition. The subject that is trapped in “psychologism” is totally satisfied with him or herself and does not need others.
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