Otherness in the character Antígona of Sófocles. Approximation to a reading from Emmanuel Lévinas


  • Edison Francisco Viveros Chavarría Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó




Antígona, Lévinas, Freedom, Ethics, Otherness


This article deals with pose an approach to the relationship between the
character of Antigone of Sophocles and the notion of otherness by Emmanuel
Levinas. The thesis which I contend is as follows: the otherness is one of the
experiences that lead to Antigone to decide the way of own death motivated by
the conviction of his dead brother. The topics of the writing are divided in two: The
proximity of Antigone with his brother and The otherness in the decision against
the condemnation of his dead brother. I conclude this text stating that Levinas
and Sophocles can dialogue in an ethical sense, of freedom, of the election on the
other and the consequences of this; each highlights the importance of the value
that has an insubordination when the injustice and imposition are the weapon of
the tyrant


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Author Biography

Edison Francisco Viveros Chavarría, Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó

Magister en Educación y Desarrollo Humano (Universidad de Manizales–CINDE). Docente Fundación
Universitaria Luis Amigó, Medellín, Colombia


Jaramillo, I. (2010). La Antígona de Lacan: comentario al apartado “La esencia de la tragedia” del seminario 7, la ética del psicoanálisis. Affectio Societatis, 7(12), 1-15.

Lévinas, E. (1991). Ética e infinito. Madrid: La balsa de la medusa.

Lévinas, E. (1987). De otro modo que ser, o más allá de la esencia.

Salamanca, España: Ediciones Sígueme.

Lévinas, E. (1977). Totalidad e infinito. Ensayo sobre la exterioridad. Salamanca, España: Ediciones Sígueme.

Lévinas. E. (1974). Humanismo de otro hombre. México: Siglo XXI Editores.

Sófocles. (2007). Antígona. En A. M. Garibay K. (Trad.), Las siete tragedias (pp. 245-278). México: Editorial Porrúa.



How to Cite

Viveros Chavarría, E. F. (2016). Otherness in the character Antígona of Sófocles. Approximation to a reading from Emmanuel Lévinas. Perseitas, 4(2), 176–184. https://doi.org/10.21501/23461780.2012



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