The socio-political dimension of democracy and theater: an approach on the Euripidean vision of civic arête


  • Anderson Arenas Piedrahita Institución Educativa La Avanzada, Medellín.



Arête (education), Democracy, Isonomy (equality before the law), theater


The paper departs from a historical-hermeneutical inquiry on Athens’ democracy; it aims at establishing socio-historical relations between democracy and theater on the civic field of classic Greece, by means of analysis which reveals how far such relation consolidated a new arête (education) for classic Greece’s polis. In this sense, this research will allow understanding the importance of theater through one author from that time such as tragic playwright Euripides, so that the role played by the relation democracy/theater can be understood, in regard to civic education within the polis during centuries V and IV B.C.


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Author Biography

Anderson Arenas Piedrahita, Institución Educativa La Avanzada, Medellín.

Docente en la Institución Educativa La Avanzada.


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How to Cite

Arenas Piedrahita, A. (2016). The socio-political dimension of democracy and theater: an approach on the Euripidean vision of civic arête. Perseitas, 4(1), 79–102.



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