Authorship policies

The journal Perseitas considers that an author is a person who has contributed intellectually in a significant way in the process of construction of an article. Based on the definitions established by the Council of Science Editors (CSE) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) and following the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), this journal establishes that the following conditions must be met in order to appear as an author:

  1. To have participated in the conception and design, in the acquisition of data or in the analysis and interpretation of the data from which the article is derived.
  2. To have participated in the drafting of the text or to have contributed significantly to its critical review.
  3. To have reviewed and approved the final version for publication.
  4. To have signed the assignment of rights.
  5. Agree to assume responsibility for all aspects of the work by ensuring that questions regarding the accuracy or completeness of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Individuals who do not meet these conditions and have contributed in other aspects, such as financing, supervision, mentoring or technical assistance, may only be acknowledged in the acknowledgements. To avoid the risk of fictitious or usurped authorship, it is recommended that, before submitting the manuscript and the assignment of rights, all authors agree on their contributions and write the "Declaration of authorship contribution", which will appear at the end of the article.

To prepare the Declaration of Authorship Contribution, in which the individual contributions of each author should be described, it is recommended to take as a reference the criteria established by the CRediT taxonomy (Contributor Roles Taxonomy):

In order to avoid errors in the names of authors when identifying their scientific production and to guarantee the correct attribution of publications, this journal requires the ORCID of all authors. Although this alone cannot guarantee the reliability of authorship, the adoption of ORCID is a further check against authorship fraud.

To determine the order in which the article is signed, the journal Perseitas is based on the Sequence-determines-credit approach (SDC), i.e., the order of authorship of collaborative articles will depend on the percentage of contribution of each author; the author who is responsible for the largest part is placed first and, with this same logic, the following authors are placed next. Likewise, the journal accepts papers with a maximum of four authors, who must appear from the moment the manuscript is submitted for the first time.

By signing the assignment of rights, authors declare that they meet the authorship criteria set out in the journal's authorship policy and that no other person deserving to be included in the authorship has been omitted; however, any addition, deletion or rearrangement of names must be made before the manuscript has been accepted and only with the approval of the journal's editorial team. To request this type of change, the author must send in writing (via e-mail) the reasons justifying the request for modification; this communication must include the confirmation of all authors, expressing their agreement with the incorporation, deletion or rearrangement. In the case of the incorporation or deletion of an author, the confirmation of this person must also be included.

In a manuscript already accepted, the editorial team will consider the addition, deletion or rearrangement of authors only in exceptional circumstances. Publication of the article will be halted while the request for changes is evaluated.