Code of conduct
Perseitas Journal is a free access serial publication, financed by the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó Editorial House, in charge of editorial and publication processes. Under this perspective, Perseitas Journal does not have a fee for authors for any of the activities of the editorial or publication processes; nor does it generate financial retribution to authors or any member of the committees. Decisions and procedures follow high-quality academic criteria, research, integrity, honesty and transparency following the principles established by the Committee of publication ethics (COPE).
Cooperating Staff
In order to guarantee transparency, quality, scientific rigor and conflict settlement, in case it is needed, Perseitas Journal relies on the following staff:
Mg. Yulieth Estefanía Ruiz Pulgarín, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Colombia
Associate Editor
Esp. Leidy Andrea Ríos Restrepo
Editorial Committee
Ph.D Eduardo Ferreira Chagas, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brasil.
Ph.D. José Manuel Camacho Delgado, Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, España.
Ph.D. Jesús Manuel Conderana Cerrillo, Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca, Salamanca, España.
Ph.D. Josefina Manjarrez Rosas, Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Puebla, México.
Ph.D. Encarnación Ruiz Callejón, Universidad de Granada, Granada, España.
Ph.D. Roberto Rodríguez Milán, Hellenic Open University (Ελληνικό Ανοικτό Πανεπιστήμιο), Petras, Grecia.
The responsibilities of the Perseitas Journal Editorial Committee are:
a. Establish along with the Director the editorial policies.
b. Create the journal manual.
c. Propose referees for the articles.
d. Support the journal director.
e. Establish the journal distribution policies.
f. Support the journal distribution and visibility.
g. Settle ethical issues, conflict of interests and retractions.
Scientific Comittee
Ph.D. Carmen López Sáenz, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Madrid, España.
Ph. D. Alberto Sánchez Rojo, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, España.
Ph. D. Josu Ahedo Ruiz, Universidad Internacional de La Rioja.
Ph. D. Bernardo Pérez Andreo, Instituto Teológico de Murcia, Murcia, España.
Ph. D. Daniel J. García López, Universidad de Granada, Granada España.
Ph. D. Nicolas Beauclair, Universidad de Montreal, Montreal, Canadá.
Ph. D. Pablo García Loaeza, West Virginia University, West Virginia, Estados Unidos.
Ph. D. Josef Estermann
The responsibilities of the Perseitas Journal Scientific Committee are:
a. Guide the Editorial Committee in the creation of editorial policies and the definitions of scientific quality parameters for the journal.
b. Recommend to the academic community the participation by submitting papers and reviewing the issues.
c. Suggest experts for paper reviewing.
d. Support international relations with scientific communities in order to favor the development and visibility of the journal.
e. Support the dissemination of the journal.
f. Suggest content or thematic lines.
Editorial Counsil:
Ph. D. Isabel Cristina Puerta Lopera, Vicerrectora de Investigaciones, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Medellín, Colombia.
Mg. Álvaro Osorio Tuberquia, Jefe Departamento de Biblioteca, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Medellín, Colombia.
Ph. D. Carlos Alberto Muñoz, Jefe Oficina de Comunicaciones y RRPP, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Medellín, Colombia.
Mg. Andrés Alfredo Castrillón Castrillón, Representante de los directores-editores de revistas científicas, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Medellín, Colombia.
Ph. D. Paula Andrea Montoya Zuluaga, Representante de los docentes investigadores, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Medellín, Colombia.
Ph. D. Juan Diego Betancur Arias, Representante de los editores de revistas de divulgación, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Medellín, Colombia.
Carolina Orrego Moscoso, Coordinadora Departamento Fondo Editorial, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, Medellín, Colombia.
The paper revision process for the Perseitas Journal has 4 steps: 1. Topic, structure and citation evaluation. 2. Analysis of similarity with other publications. 3. Peer revision and decision.
- 1. Topic, structure and citation evaluation: the evaluation analyses if the paper is aligned with the topics of the journal and follows the criteria established in the author guidelines. In case the topic is not part of the ones established by the journal, the paper is returned to the author; if the presentation requires adjustments, it is sent to the author for corrections and to be submitted again following the editorial timetable; if the paper meets all the requirement, it is sent to the second step.
- 2. Analysis of similarity with other publications: in order to identify if the paper is original and unpublished and avoid possible plagiarism, all papers must undergo a technological revision which compares the manuscript with others published in digital media and Crossref academic publications. The technological system reports the similarity level, if it is over 25% the paper is discarded, if it is below 25% the paper is sent to the third step. The report also points out errors in citation and reference as well as primary sources and information credibility.
- 3. Peer revision: all papers will be assigned referees under the double-blind review model. That is, both the author's and reviewers' identities and decisions regarding the paper are confidential. Once this review of the paper has begun, the author commits to seeing it through and not withdrawing the paper.
Referee selection: the journal has a group of national and international research scholars, with wide experience in the field of humanities in general, as well as, the theological and philosophical fields specifically. Each paper is assigned two referees that have the same or higher education levels to those of the authors; do not belong to the editorial committee or the journal scientist or the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó unless the thematic specificity of the article in evaluation so demands, Colombian scholars must be recognized as researchers by Colciencias, international peers must have graduate education or an h5 index above 2.
Paper review: the director of the journal provides the referee with the paper, author guidelines and an assessment rubric which focuses on the following formal and topic based elements:
- Relevance of the paper for the journal´s fields of interest.
- Coherence between title and topic.
- Validity of the topic.
- Usage of concepts and terminology of the discipline.
- Relevance of graphics, tables and figures.
- Appropriate use of citation and reference.
- Up to date references
- Novelty of the paper
- Theoretical and methodological thoroughness
- Coherence
- 4. Decision: the rubric has three alternatives regarding the final decision: 1. “Accepted to publish with content unaltered” 2. “Accepted to publish with minor changes”; 3. “Rejected”. If both referees, consider that the paper should be “Rejected” the Director of the journal informs the authors and provides the result of the peer review. If both referees agree that the paper should be “Accepted to publish with minor changes”, the author is notified and the paper is sent to edition. If one referee considers that the paper should be “Accepted to publish with content unaltered” while the other one “Accepted to publish with minor changes”, the author is notified about the required changes and the due date. If one of the referees considers that the paper should be “Rejected”, while the other one is under the opinion that it should be published, a third referee will be appointed by the editor (under the double-blind review model) in order to settle the situation. Once the third evaluation is received the author will be notified of the decision.
The paper will be rejected if:
- There is plagiarism and self-plagiarism; alteration, forgery or foul play in the data, content or author; the paper is not original or unedited.
- The content of the paper does not have an originality index of 75% or above.
- There are conflicts of interest.
- The author does not follow the guidelines
- There is obscene, abusive, defamatory, insulting language or any expression that goes against human dignity and the good name of a person o institution.
- There is data that was collected without permission.
- There is Lack of theoretical support, deficiency of accuracy in the presentation of findings and results, questionable data or results.
- The paper undermines publication ethical and good practices.
Also, any other issue that goes against academic quality, ethical practices of the good name of the journal and the institutions that support it.
The Editor is responsible for
- Ensuring objectivity and academic quality in all editorial decisions, avoiding prejudice and discrimination based on religion, sexual or political orientation.
- Guaranteeing that all papers accepted uphold academic merits and not influence of any institution.
- Preventing the publication of papers that have or supposedly have misconducts in the research process.
- Responding to situation that might arise due to inadequate ethics practices that might affect the credibility of the Universidad Católica Luis Amigó, the Perseitas Journal, the authors, institutions connected to the research process and others affiliated to the journal.
- Informing authors on the evaluation edition and publication process in order to uphold the transparency and objectivity of the process.
- Appropriately handling additional academic or personal information required in the author´s note and ensuring that it will only be used for the summary and journal indexation systems.
- Protecting the privacy of the names of authors and referees during the edition and reviewing process.
- Guaranteeing that under no circumstance the author will be required to cite the editor, nor will this office print articles with conflict of interest.
The referees will be responsible for:
- Declaring conflict of interest.
- Guaranteeing that the decision regarding a paper is based on an objective evaluation and avoiding prejudice and discrimination based on religion, sexual or political orientation; as well as financial and professional influences.
- Informing the editor of the Perseitas Journal of possible violations of good ethical practices and the implications.
Authors will be responsible for:
- Declaring that the paper is original and unedited and it is not currently in edition process with another journal.
- Upholding national and international laws on author rights and minor protection.
- Including the organizations that financed the research Project that supports the paper.
- Not withdrawing the paper if the evaluation peers have declared it as viable for publication.
- Participating the evaluation process by following through on the corrections suggested by the referees, as long as it improves the quality of the paper.
- Certifying that all authors that appear on the paper have actually contributed to the paper.
- Understanding that if there is doubt or disputes over authorship and co-authorship the edition and publication process will be suspended until it is resolved.
- Acknowledging that they are required to present retraction or correction of errors, if necessary.
- If once published an article: 1) the author discovers mistakes that attempt to the quality or scientificity, he/she will may request its removal or correction. 2) If a third person detects the mistake, it is the obligation of the author to publish an immediate retraction and the public correction.
The opinions expressed in articles and papers are those of the authors, therefore, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó will not be held responsible for them.
- Any claim can be sent to the email It will be answered within five days of the complaint.
Procedure to resolve conflicts arising from unethical behavior
- Identify faults supported with evidence before establishing an unethical behavior.
- Hold back any decision or observation related to a specific situation that is under analysis until all evidence is gathered and there is no doubt regarding the fault
- Present before the editorial committee the evidence for each situation according to the type of fault and actions to be taken for such action.
The possible actions are:
- Inform the author about the situation, correct it and establish that it should not happen again.
- Formal withdrawal with an editorial note informing the motive for this action and bringing attention to the importance of appropriate ethical practices.
- Inform the financial, academic or commercial institutions about the situation and the consequences in order to promote appropriate ethical practices.
- The author or authors may have additional rights in their articles as established in the agreement with the editor. Authors are morally and legally responsible for the content of their articles, as well as, respect for copyright. Therefore, these do not in any way compromise Universidad Católica Luis Amigó.
The journal and the individual texts in this publication are protected by copyright laws and by the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative-International 4.0. © 2017 Universidad Católica Luis Amigó - Funlam.
Licenses that go beyond of what is covered by this license can be found at
Publication and divulgation
- The Journal is published in PDF and HTML formats in the Open Journal Systems (available at: Also the journal has a Digital object identifier (DOI), both for each issue and the articles as well, which facilitates online location and guarantees access to the content, in case the journal is no longer published.
- Once the papers are selected to be published, a previous publication is generated, in order to respond to the needs of the field with up-to-date content. This version is the last one sent by the author without copyediting, translation or layout.
- Perseitas Journal among others, uses social media and academic networks to promote its content.
Frequency of publication
Perseitas journal is a serial semiannual publication. this means that once the articles are evaluated and approved, the editing process begins for immediate publication, ascribing each of the contributions to the volume defined for the validity.
Reception of contributions
- The papers are sent through the Open Journal Systems (OJS), a journal management and publication software that allows the follow-up of documents in its different stages or to the e-mail Online submissions require a username and password, which can be requested at
- The sending of the article must be accompanied by the declaration of assignment of patrimonial rights and declaration of conflicts of interest, available at the following link:
- If the article presents research or work results with individuals or communities, the authors must provide the authorization of the Ethics Committee that endorsed them and state that the participants acted under informed consent.
- If the article includes photographs of people, the authors must provide an authorization of use signed by the protagonists of the image; if they are minors, the signature shall be the person responsible for the minor.
- No printed items will be received. Consultations for referral can be sent to the magazine's email (
- The direction of Perseitas Journal will respond in a maximum of three (3) days about the reception of the contribution.
- The author must file the declaration of assignment of patrimonial rights and declaration of conflicts of interest (provided by the magazine direction), giving all the rights of the article to Perseitas Journal.
- Partial versions of the text will not be received, that is, those that are not structurally adjusted to the type of article.
- Once the article has been sent, it is understood that the author authorizes the publication of the personal data related in the author's note.
- The reception of articles does not mean Perseitas will publish them.
guidelines for authors
Perseitas Journal accepts the following types of papers:
- Articles of scientific and technological research: presents in detail the original results of completed research projects. Its structure contains four fundamental sections: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.
- Reflection articles: shows the findings of a completed research from an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective of the author, on a specific topic, using original sources.
- Review article: product of a completed research in which the results of published or unpublished research are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in a field of science or technology, in order to account for the advances and development techniques. It is characterized by presenting a bibliographic review of at least 50 references.
- Reflective article, not based on research (essay): a paper that presents a topic in a clear and organized fashion, with arguments and conclusions.
- Short article: short document that presents preliminary or partial original results of a scientific or technological research, which usually requires an early dissemination.
- Topic review: paper that results from a critical literature review of a specific topic.
All articles must be original, with a minimum of 9 pages and a maximum or 25. Citation, reference, tables and graphics must follow APA (6th edition in English, 3rd in Spanish). The manuscript must be presented in Word, letter-sized page, using a 1.5-line spacing, Arial, 12 pt. If the paper uses fragments or words in Greek or Hebrew, the typography must be included.
- The title should be in Spanish and English.
- Authors: include bibliographical name and surname, that is, the one used in scientific papers. This information allows the journal to identify the author´s papers.
- The summary must be analytical written in both English and Spanish using 250 words maximum and include the main topic, objectives, conclusion and method for research articles.
- Keywords should be between six and eight, in English and Spanish. All key words must be from a discipline thesaurus. Key words should be separated by a semicolon (;)
- Author's note: indicate at the footer the last level of education, institution to which it belongs (without abbreviations), city, country, research group (if it belongs to one), ORCID, email. Development: the text should contain in-depth development of different sections according to the type of text.
- Conflict of interests: the author declares that there is no potential conflict of interest related to this paper.
- Financing: the paper should provide the institutions that financially supported the research project from which this paper originates.
Universidad Católica Luis Amigó will not be held responsible for the way authors handle issues related to copyright, authors will be held responsible for the veracity and completeness of citation and references.
1. Handling citations
The textual or paraphrased material from other sources must always include the references.
- If the quote is under 40 words use quotation marks followed by a parenthesis (author´s or authors´ surname, year and page).
- Citations of more than 40 words are placed in a paragraph. Use indention. Once the quotation is finished, there is a period before the reference in the parenthesis.
- Use et. Al for a work with several authors.
Specific cases:
- If there are from three to five authors, all names should be included the first they are mentioned. Other citations of the same text should only use the surname of the first author and finish with et al.
In the reference include the surnames and the first letter of the name of each author and other elements required.
If there are six or more authors use only the surname of the first author and finish with et al.
In the reference include the surnames and the first letter of the name up to seven authors. If there are eight or more authors, include the surnames and the first letter of the name of the first six authors followed by three periods, add the surnames and first letter of the last author and other elements required.
2. Book citation and reference
- For book citation include:
(Author´s surname, year, page).
For example: (Granada Giraldo, 2014, p. 12).
- For book reference include:
Author´s surname, first letter of the author´s first and middle name. (year). Title of the book. City: Publisher.
For example: Granada Giraldo, F. J. (2014). Amo lo que soy amo lo que hago. Medellín: Funlam.
- If the citation is taken from a chapter or a reference book, the citation maintains the same structure but the reference must be as follows:
Press serial publication: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Name of the chapter. In A. Editor, B. Editor & C. Editor (Eds.), Book (Vol. #, pp. #-#). city: Editorial.
Digital serial publication: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Name of the chapter. In A. Editor, B. Editor & C. Editor (Eds.), Book (Vol. #, pp. #-#). Retrieved from: http:/www.dirrecciónurl
Press book chapter:
Name of the chapter. (year). In A. Editor (ed.), book (Vol. 3, pp. 9-16). City: Editorial.
Name of the chapter. (year), In Reference book (Vol. 3, pp. 9-16). City : Editorial.
Digital book chapter:
Name of the chapter. (year). In A. Editor (ed.), Reference book (Vol. 3). Retrieved from: http:/www.dirrecciónurl
3. Indirect citation:
it refers to citing another citing or secondary sources, it should be limited, only when the original work is no longer available.
- Citing secondary sources:
Title of original work (as was cited by the secondary source, year, page).
- Referencing secondary sources:
Author´s surname, first letter of first and middle name. (year). Title. City: Editorial.
The original work is not included in the references; the secondary source is to be referenced.
When citing classics, keep in mind:
- Important classic Works (such as the Bible, Greek and Roman Works) are not to be included in the references only in the text.
- If the original date of the publication is available, it must be included in the citation.
- Point out in the first citation of the text the version of classic work that was used.
- When referencing a specific section or fragment, instead of using the page number, cite the book, chapter, verse or hymn, since they maintain the same number in different editions.
- If there are questions regarding the publication date, cite the year of the translation that was used using the abbreviation trans., or the year of the version that was used.
- When citing the bible, use: (name of the book, name of the chapter, colon, the number of verse and the translation that is used). For example: (Mathew 13: 1-9 Holy Bible).
For example:
- (Plato, trans. in 1989).
- William Shakespeare (2007 version).
- Genesis 1:28-31 (Bible of Jerusalem).
References are ordered according to the following APA guidelines:
• Alphabetical Names:
The entries should appear in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author, followed by the initials of the name.
• Works with the same first author:
- When several works by the same author must be included in the references, write down the surname and initials of one’s name; and apply the following rules:
- Order the works of a single author for the year of publication starting with the oldest.
- The references of a single author precede those of multiple authors, regardless of their publication date.
- The references with the same first author and second or third different author are ordered alphabetically by the surname of the second. In case the first and the second are the same, it will be ordered by the surname of the third party, and so on.
- The references that have the same authors are ordered by the year of publication with the oldest the first place.
- References with the same author or authors and the same year of publication are ordered by the title of the book, article, etc. (excluding the articles: a, a, the, the, etc.).
If it is possible to identify that they are articles in a series, the reference should be organized in the order of the series and not alphabetically by the title.
- Works by different first authors with the same surname:
- This type of work is ordered alphabetically by the first initial of the name of each one.
- Works by corporate authors or without authors:
- Alphabetize the corporate authors from the first significant word of the name taking into account that a main entity precedes a subdivision. Use the official and complete names.
- If there is no author, the reference is ordered by the title of the publication (which happens to occupy the position of the author).
• In order to differentiate publications edited by the same author or authors and with the same year, the letters a, b, c (located after the year) are used in lowercase letters.
• If the work has an "Anonymous" author, the reference is alphabetized as if anonymous was a real name.
• Legal materials should be handled as references without an author, so their literacy will begin with the first significant element of the entry.
The contribution must be sent only through the following means:
Or through Open Journal Systems:
* This section is taken from the APA Capsule, publication of the Luis Amigó Catholic University Editorial Fund, which, as an academic tool, is intended to exemplify and clarify the use of this standard in the work written by researchers, teachers, administrators and students. This initiative arises from the flaws found during the preliminary reviews, in the citation and reference of sources in articles, papers and institutional books. The capsules are written in accordance with the provisions of the American Psychological Association. (2010). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. [Sixth version]. Mexico: Editorial El Manual Moderno.