Other frames of representation of war, that we have not heard: from «expendable life» to biographical life of a former combatant in the reintegration process
Anonymous figures, Hannah Arendt, Judith Butler, Narration, Reintegration, Representation frames, Vulnerability, War machinesAbstract
Narrative vulnerability, a product of the exclusion of context representation frameworks, which deprives some of being seen, heard and felt by the majority, implies the precariousness of large generations transformed into expendable lives, that is, into living and animated instruments. of the machines of war. These men and women, however, are not gears of destruction, but beings with a unique name and history. His ability to narratively translate reality thus offers another frame of interpretation about the past and the future, based on his call for a new life and an end to armed violence. Here lies the proposal of this contribution, that, making use of the reflections of Hannah Arendt and Judith Butler, in addition to an in-depth interview with a former combatant in the process of reintegration (Colombia), notes in the narration the answer to his fungibility (usufruct, replaceable and killable existences), making possible a life biographical, charged with the future.
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