The longing for God and the trust in his help: Ps 63(62) in the light of Semitic Biblical Rhetoric Analysis
Biblical Semitic, Book of Psalms, Curse in the Psalms, Psalm 63, Rhetoric Analysis Desire for God, Temple, Worship in the Old TestamentAbstract
Ps 63(62) is of singular importance for the Christian liturgy. Evoking the desire for God that makes human beings rise before dawn to seek Him (v.2), this Psalm has become the morning prayer par excellence, both for the Byzantine liturgy, which recites it in the órthros, as for the Roman liturgy which, after the liturgical reform of Vatican II, reserved it for Laudes on Sunday of the First Week of the Psalter. The purpose of this article is to analyze Ps 63(62) through the method of Semitic Biblical Rhetoric Analysis, with the aim of establishing its structure and thus realizing its most relevant theological elements. To fulfill this purpose, the article is divided into three parts: i) translation of the text; ii) criticism of the form and iii) establishment of the structure according to the method. Finally it ends with the theological commentary. The article leads the reader to the perception that the Psalm has a tripartite structure. The first two arts are articulated in the daytime (vv.2-6) and nighttime (vv.7-9) scope, where the psalmist expresses his desire for God, recalls his past experience and expresses his trust in the Lord. The last part of the Psalm is the imprecation, which evokes a mysterious “they” (v.10a), thus connecting with the “thou” evoked at the beginning of the sentence (v.2a). To the amorphous “they” of the enemy corresponds the manifest divine “thou”, in whom the psalmist trusts and whose “love” he recognizes as being better than existence itself (v.4a).
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