Questioning relationships in the metaverse. The “between” as a space of encounter and meaning
Bonding, Ethos, Generative communication, Metaverse, Person, Social relationships, UtopiaAbstract
The metaverse as a new promised space of social interaction does not configure, in itself, the possibility of encounter, because it is not the space that propitiates the “between” but the disposition of people, therefore this article directs its gaze to the interior of the human being and focuses on the ethical reflection of being in being, precisely because every tool configures a new Ethos with the subject. First, after problematizing the question of the metaverse, the concept of social relation is developed, to move on, as a second point, to space as a configurator of utopia and how the human being is constructed in what he himself creates. In this way, we arrive at the last point in which it is proposed that the promise of the metaverse does not hold in itself the possibility of being better people, but, as a tool, it depends exclusively on the use that is given to it.
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