Forgiveness and the human person: a reflection on the distinction between acceptance, liberation, forgiveness and reconciliation based on their interpersonal character
Acceptance, Forgiveness, Interpersonally, Liberation, Person, ReconciliationAbstract
Contemporary culture and the conflict-laden context in which we currently reside demand forgiveness. This is particularly vital as it represents the path through which humans combat evil. However, the act of forgiveness has eroded due to the misconceptions associated with its application in psychology and public life. In this regard, this article seeks to provide a definition of forgiveness from his interpersonal character. In other words, this work affirms that it is in face-to-face encounters where persons confront evil, manifest their status as persons, and also the realm of gratuitousness to which their innermost reality responds. Thus, we will begin with the common definition of forgiveness and scrutinize each of its constituent elements to present as comprehensive a portrayal as possible of its reality. This portrayal will serve as an archetype for distinguishing forgiveness from self-acceptance, self liberation, and reconciliation. These distinctions propose the idea that forgiveness genuinely emerges from interpersonal relationships, where one person asks for the gift of freedom from the committed evil, and another freely grants it.
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