Being God: the unio mystica according to Plotinus and his gnostic adversaries




Gnosticism, Plotinus, Soul, Transfiguration, Transcendence, Unio Mystica


The experiences of unio mystica reached by Plotinus find their reflectionin the writings that Gnostic thinkers used in their discussions with him in Rome, as described by Zostrianos (NH VIII, 1) and Allogenes (NH XI, 3). Despite this philosophical rivalry, it is possible to find similarities between the testimonies if we analyze these experiences through their relationship with the Altered States of Consciousness (ASC), a concept proposed by the Psychology of Religion. Both the philosophical corpus and the Gnostic tradition describe this particular state of the soul (ψυχἠ) in detail when outlining the mystical process.In this process, both testimonies emphasize the profound change in the initiate’s consciousness itself, although Neoplatonists and Gnostics differ in the limits on the level of identification with the divinity.
Then, through textual and philological analysis, we will focus this paper on the study of the unio mystica in two aspects. In the first place, in the process itself followed by the initiate. In the second place, in the extent of union or contact of the visionary-initiate with the Absolute or the divinity. This analysis will highlight the common paths that both schools of thought promoted in their search for the transcendent, while at the same time will rise essential questions about this process that will clearly define the differences between them.


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How to Cite

Troiano, M. (2024). Being God: the unio mystica according to Plotinus and his gnostic adversaries. Perseitas, 12, 1–33.