Man is dead: Abraham Heschel's anthropology as a path to humanism and critique of modernity
Deacralization, Ethics, Heschel, Humanism, Divine pathos, Human being, SymbolAbstract
In the thought of the Jewish philosopher and theologian Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907-1972), the human being is placed in a unique position before transcendence and nature; he is recognized as a real symbol of God and participant of divine life in a context of desacralization and dehumanization that was developing since the dawn of modernity. In dialogue with some contemporary thinkers, in this article we propose to retrace the conceptual and practical paths that led this rabbi to think and act energetically in favor of the reconstruction of human nature, and to point out the divine pathos as an element of solidarity, and rescue of human ethics and sacredness. Our proposal of reflection is structured in three fundamental points: the problem of the human religious symbology in relation to God; the divine pathos as a bridge towards God; and the human being who is Man and at the same time appeal to ethics.
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