Jesus Christ as a saturated phenomenon. A phenomenological approach to the Gospel of John based on the thought of Jean-Luc Marion




Gospel of John, Phenomenicity, Saturated phenomenon, Jean-Luc Marion, Jesus Christ, Paradox of paradoxes


This paper aims to show how the French philosopher’s phenomenological description of the saturated phenomenon fits precisely into the characteristic Christology of the fourth Gospel. Based on the thought of this author, we will conclude that Jesus Christ, as the visible manifestation of the invisible God, concentrates in himself the four phenomenal paradoxes, appearing also according to the Johannine account as a “paradox of paradoxes” or as a “saturated phenomenon par excellence”.


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Author Biographies

Manuel Porcel Moreno, Universidad Loyola Andalucía

PhD with international mention in Philosophy from the Universidad Pontificia de Salamanca. Professor and researcher in the Department of Humanities and Philosophy at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Granada, Spain. Researcher associated with the Unité de Recherche CERES of the Institut Catholique de Toulousse. ORCiD:, E-mail:

Ianire Angulo Ordorika, Universidad Loyola Andalucía

PhD in Theology from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. Professor and researcher in the Department of Theology at the Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Granada, Spain. ORCiD:, E-mail:


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How to Cite

Porcel Moreno, M., & Angulo Ordorika, I. (2022). Jesus Christ as a saturated phenomenon. A phenomenological approach to the Gospel of John based on the thought of Jean-Luc Marion. Perseitas, 10, 495–526.