The Apocalypse, a book of social resistance: ethical and moral contributions
Apocalypse, Christian ethics, Freedom, Human dignity, Power, Social resistance, TotalitarianismAbstract
The present work aims to rescue the resistance and criticism of the Roman imperial power of the book of Revelation as a fundamental source for Christian moral theology, becoming a focus of light that illuminates the path of human conduct towards a better world. At the same time, it offers guidelines for the defense of life in an environment where political, economic, and religious totalitarianism threaten it. Furthermore, it aims to highlight such resistance and criticism as one of the generating factors, and therefore central, of the theology of the Apocalypse. For this purpose, the methodological principles of contextual reading will be used, based on the conviction that the text is an expression of the hagiographer’s community experiences and his attitude toward the social circumstances that provoked it. The book seeks to affect the environment, but this also shapes the content of the written work. In a second moment, the method seeks to investigate what of that historical moment can illuminate the reader’s present. In the case of the Apocalypse, texts will be chosen where the author presents the main themes and actors of the plot, namely: the supreme being seated on the throne, the lamb, and evil, specifically symbolized in the third horseman, since the message of the book is at stake in them, the humanizing divine sovereignty or the dehumanizing diabolical sovereignty.
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