Technique, consumption and everyday life: reflections on the work of Jacques Tati
Jacques Tati, Mr. Hulot, Technique, Consumption, Culture, Society, SubjectivityAbstract
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the technological development and consumption seen through the cinematographic work of the French director Jacques Tati, especially his character Mr. Hulot, who, between 1949 and 1974, showed in his films the impact of technology (gadgets, devices, appliances) on
the traditional ways of life of French society. Specifically, we take from Tati’s work two elements to materialize this analysis, objects and spaces. From here we show how Tati evidenced with great depth, humor and irony that the social and cultural transformations that were taking place in France, and elsewhere in Europe, in the post-war period, were due, in part, to the exuberant place that
technology and consumption occupied in everyday life. Finally, we conclude, firstly, that consumer societies find in advertising discourse a ubiquitous component of social and cultural legitimization in capitalist societies and, secondly, that technologies and their everyday uses are shapers of new subjectivities that have as a condition of possibility a permanent interaction with objects, hence the central place that technology must occupy in any ontological reflection on who we are in the present.
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