The human body in Laín Entralgo’s “dynamicist structurist monism”: contributions for a dialogue with technoscientific transhumanism




Anthropology, Body, Dynamism, Structure, Matter, Reality, Transhumanism


The present reflection has as its central objective: to contribute, from the scientific-philosophical theory on the human body constructed by Pedro Laín Entralgo, an anthropological proposal that enables dialogue with technoscientific transhumanism. At the methodological level, the text is structured in two moments. In the first, a review of the situation (sitius) of the body in the face of info transhumanism is made, in order to then, in a second moment, contribute (locus), from the work of Lain Entralgo, an integral anthropological conception. It is hoped that, by thinking matter from a structural dynamism that makes the
corporeal reality a psycho-organic unit capable of saying “I” (person), it will be possible to establish a profound questioning of the anthropological conception proposed by info transhumanism, for which the organic body is useless matter from which it is necessary to free oneself in order to overcome the limits of biology.


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Author Biographies

Jonny Alexander García Echeverri, Universidad Católica de Oriente

Ph.D in Philosophy from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Associate Professor of the Faculty of Theology and Humanities at the Universidad Católica de Oriente, Ríonegro, Colombia. Leader of the Humanitas research group. E-mail:; ORCiD:

Conrado Giraldo Zuluaga, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana

Ph.D in Philosophy from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín, Colombia. Professor of the Faculty of Philosophy of this University. E-mail:; ORCiD:


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How to Cite

García Echeverri, J. A., & Giraldo Zuluaga, C. (2023). The human body in Laín Entralgo’s “dynamicist structurist monism”: contributions for a dialogue with technoscientific transhumanism. Perseitas, 11, 33–56.