Shamanic listening to the earth as healing of the soul
Listening, Mother Earth, Ancestry Listening, Ancestry, Healing, Care, Ancestral Psychology, SpiritualityAbstract
Before a science badly treated from within, an eye alienated and confused in its vision, a human being tired and distrustful of the same explanation, a world in need of understanding and care, before a few insistent to live in fragmented times and spaces, appears the need to listen again to one’s own, to the first and founding as a force of transformation. Thus, the following lyrics recognize a phenomenological and contemplative path in the Great Mother, the Hytcha Guaia, the Pachamama, the first great womb, sacred womb that feeds and nourishes the human in all its manifestation.
For psychology, knowledge of the psyche, of the soul, its task is also to look at itself, to recover and through a transcendent, integrative logos, to return to the sensitive and heartfelt listening of the divine as healing, hence its affirmation to the magical, shamanic, powerful and sacred of the telluric knowledge (of the earth), to the medicine that dwells in it and its healing. The proposal is the great path of walking the earth, of feeling, listening and being in root consciousness, a path of care that confirms in each ritual and experience the spiritual force of our indigenous ancestral knowledge as the first and perennial science.
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