Misogynist violence, love and patriarchy





Feminism, Humanities, Love relationships, Misogyny, Morality, Patriarchy, Politics


There is widespread agreement in the humanistic disciplines in understanding misogyny as indicated by its etymology: hatred of women. The aim of this article is to critically review this use of the concept of misogyny and to propose a more precise meaning of it. This exercise of conceptual clarification consists of three parts. First, it is shown that the motivations that trigger misogynist reactions are not always originated by hatred; in some cases, they are interwoven with love or affection. Second, the close relationship between misogyny and patriarchy is highlighted, showing that misogyny is essentially a political phenomenon rather than a psychiatric pathology or a psychogenic tendency exclusive to men. Finally, it is pointed out that misogyny is a moral evil because it is based on false judgments and irrational demands for moral goods that seriously harm the dignity of women and are protected by the patriarchal system itself. It is concluded that the displacement of misogyny from the psychogenetic field to the political and moral field makes it possible to understand it as a more every day and recurrent phenomenon, and as a sociopolitical evil that must be fought collectively.


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Author Biography

Martha Elena Grajales Usuga, Universidad de Antioquia

Ph. D. in Philosophy from the Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3237-2098. E-mail: martha.grajales@udea.edu.co


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How to Cite

Grajales Usuga, M. E. (2022). Misogynist violence, love and patriarchy. Perseitas, 10, 296–322. https://doi.org/10.21501/23461780.4098