Sacred Scripture in the life of the Church of Latin America and the Caribbean. Biblical imprint of II Vatican Council
Bible, Sacred Scriptura, Church, Vatican II, Latin AmericaAbstract
From the Vatican II Council, Sacred Scripture achieved an unusual role in the
Church and the lives of believers in Latin America and the Caribbean. How was
this impulse forged in the continent? What were the effects of the interpretation
of the Bible in the Latin American context? Both a review of usual practices
carried out with the Bible before the Council, when it was used to legitimize the
law to conquer the New World, and the staging of the current hermeneutical
diversification, creative of the new horizons of reading, they allow the reader
to apprehend unsuspected perspectives, aroused by the appropriation of
Holy Scripture in the life of the Church, lean out faces and voices silenced in
the long centuries of oblivion. This travel leads the reader through the textual
interpretation method of the evangelizers of various times; for the access to the
text, for its reading and interpretation and for the theology that underlines it.
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