Symbolic Hermeneutics


  • Víctor Raúl Jaramillo Restrepo Investigador independiente



Symbol, Hermeneutics, Language, Dialogue, Interpretation, Likeness, Difference, Creation, Sense


This article aims at a look that links back what has been broken. It is a sum of meanings — mediated by academic events — that seek to relate language through the study of the symbol and its cultural and existential dimension. Everything, as a reflection of an interpretation increasingly given to broadening its horizon, despite the obvious restrictions.
Here, we try to relate the word as a concept, as an imaginary or metaphorical extension, and its possibilities to reach an understanding of the different aspects of human behavior and reason. Always aware of the difficulty that such a task requires, ready to accept a defeat in the effort.


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Author Biography

Víctor Raúl Jaramillo Restrepo, Investigador independiente

Doctor en filosofía de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana


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How to Cite

Jaramillo Restrepo, V. R. (2020). Symbolic Hermeneutics. Perseitas, 8, 311–327.