They are others, it is none of us. An analysis of stigmatization as a group phenomenon




Inadequacy awareness, Stigmatization, Exclusion, Identity, Pragmatism, Moral responsibility


This article presents a key to reading the phenomenon of shaping ourselves and excluding others, offering a pragmatic understanding of the social dimension of moral responsibility. The text has a significant contribution which is analyze the socio-dynamics of stigmatization as actions resulting from the attitudes of the group to which the individuals belong; in this sense, it is persuaded so that these actions are not further explained as a series of behaviors that individuals develop in a personal capacity, because this prevents differentiating the stigmatization and social segregation from mere individual prejudice.


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Author Biography

Jesús David Girado Sierra, Universidad de la Sabana

Doctor en Filosofía. Profesor de la Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias Humanas de la Universidad de La Sabana, Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite

Girado Sierra, J. D. (2020). They are others, it is none of us. An analysis of stigmatization as a group phenomenon. Perseitas, 8, 227–253.