Contributions of philosophical hermeneutics to bible hermeneutics from the notion of text




Author, Comprehension, Explanation, Interpretation, Reder, Text.


Today, like yesterday, at the beginning of Christianity, many people read without
understand: “How am I going to understand if nobody explains me?” (Acts 8:31).
In this paper a process of approach to the hermeneutic reflection is achieved,
mainly from the 18th century taking into account Schleiermacher until today
with Gadamer and Ricoeur, with the objective to study the contributions that
within this discipline have arisen with respect to a greater understanding of the
meaning of the text and its relationship with the author and the reader of today.
This can be of great benefit for those who seek in the text–especially the sacred
text–spaces of meaning and meaning. The text could be of great intellectual,
spiritual and human benefit to the extent that we venture into the study of
interpretive theory, distancing ourselves a little from the exegetical exercise.


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How to Cite

Correa Vanegas, J. D. (2018). Contributions of philosophical hermeneutics to bible hermeneutics from the notion of text. Perseitas, 6(1), 183–208.



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