The french revolution ecos in the poetic thimking of Friedrich Hölderlin




Friedrich Hölderlin, Hymns of Tubinga, Notes about Antígona, French Revolution, German Romanticism


The events of J. C. Friedrich Hölderlin and his intellectual and poetic production are closely related and interfaced; we can say that all his production is a reflect of a historical moment that he lived during diverse situations of his life . The French Revolution influences him in the political, intelectual and poetic thinking. The first near years are fill of optimism, nevertheless, the prompting of all these events made the poet shelter in his spirit, in his silence and his poetic words to go out of a real and radical reality of time and weave using poetry to build his way to Hesperia. In this sense , the main goal of this text is to identify a way to influence the thinking and influence of the French Revolution in the life and project of Friedrich Hölderlin, by a conceptual and hermeneutic analysis of some of the personal situations of this time and artwork to identify in which aspect match or definitely which ones are not accepted.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Cadavid, J. A. (2018). The french revolution ecos in the poetic thimking of Friedrich Hölderlin. Perseitas, 6(1), 123–137.



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