Reading and writing in new languages: a relationship from the artesan master




Context, Body, Language, Teacher, Subjectivity, Subject, Text, Life, Death


This paper reflects on the master as an artist in reading and writing from a formative
perspective in which the subjects work on their subjectivity through language and
otherness. In the social and cultural character of language these constructions find
their expression in texts and contexts that create the scenario for acting and dialog
in subjectivities; as a result, intimate dialogs in which teacher´s voices in the
classroom are acknowledged and their everyday things that become rituals in their
teaching and learning practices within a biographical narrative approach which
allows education and teachers to tell stories and narratives in which the subjects can
build on their subjectivity. It can be considered from such achievements, that the
subject and subjectivity processes of languages accomplish the biographical and
historical relationship that allow schools to be an environment to display words,
feelings, meanings, a place where life is an experience to learn from death.


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Author Biography

Claudia Arcila Rojas, Universidad de Medellín

Doctora en Filosofía de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Docente investigadora de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas de la Universidad de Medellín. Integrante del grupo de investigación “Educación, sociedad y paz” de la Universidad de Medellín. Medellín-Colombia.


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How to Cite

Arcila Rojas, C. (2017). Reading and writing in new languages: a relationship from the artesan master. Perseitas, 5(2), 440–460.



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