Provincial life scenes in J.M. Coetzee: an analysis of the autobiographical novel from martin Heidegger´s existential analysis




Existential analysis, autobiography, Provincial Life Scenes, J. M. Coetzee, Martin Heidegger, Being and time.


This paper tries to revise J. M. Coetzee´s autobiographical work Provincial Life
Scenes from the theories of autobiography and Martin Heidegger´s existential
analysis, in order to establish the existing relations between both regarding the
being and time. In the textual analysis there are some theoretical aspects such as:
the being, the world and death as elements that can be traced in “childhood”,
“youth” and “adulthood”, these titles are developed in Provincial Life Scenes and
Heidegger´s concepts of Being and time.


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Author Biography

Camilo Herrera Rodríguez, Universidad Católica Luis Amigó

This paper tries to revise J. M. Coetzee´s autobiographical work Provincial Life Scenes from the theories of autobiography and Martin Heidegger´s existential
analysis, in order to establish the existing relations between both regarding the being and time. In the textual analysis there are some theoretical aspects such as: the being, the world and death as elements that can be traced in “childhood”, “youth” and “adulthood”, these titles are developed in Provincial Life Scenes and Heidegger´s concepts of Being and time.


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How to Cite

Herrera Rodríguez, C. (2017). Provincial life scenes in J.M. Coetzee: an analysis of the autobiographical novel from martin Heidegger´s existential analysis. Perseitas, 5(2), 421–439.



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