Communication as a means of revelation Exodus 3, 2-7


  • Angie Tatiana Andrade Quiroz Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Bogotá, Colombia



Communication, Revelation, See, Judge, Act, Creative devotion


This article, the result of research, addressed the topic of communication as a
means to make known God’s revelation; the objective was to discover elements
in the Act of YHWH, who relies on communication to reveal himself; This helped to
answer the question: what narrative elements found in Exodus 3, 2-7 as a means of
divine revelation? To respond to this, the work was carried out in the framework
of the praxeologic approach whose research interest is the transforming action
in which it intervenes; its stages: see, judge, Act and creative return. The analysis
allowed us to identify the actions of God to be known, therefore is: Un Dios who
sees the oppression of his people, this view not only leads to reflection, but that
enables it to make a value judgment: a God who hears the cries of his people,
so the pain expressed that it is necessary to give an answer Dios enters history;
a God that works in favor of his people, is thus a God called to serve humanity;
Finally, a God Pact, acquires a commitment with his people. It is a God before
being unveiled approaching, sees, hears and responds according to the need,
so, as God communicates his revelation. These elements are presented as
prototypes for the preacher who communicates the revelation; These findings
show how God leans in favor of the weak and suggests that just as he must act
the realities of our environment, so that, as instruments of communication of
revelation, we get, first, and then, in the most violated a response monitoring
(creative return) to reach the fullness of the revelation made by the father.


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Author Biography

Angie Tatiana Andrade Quiroz, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Bogotá, Colombia

Profesional en Ciencias Bíblicas por la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Bogotá, Colombia


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How to Cite

Andrade Quiroz, A. T. (2016). Communication as a means of revelation Exodus 3, 2-7. Perseitas, 4(2), 202–232.



Artículos de investigación científica y tecnológica