Think the mystical experience from epistemology


  • Lina Marcela Cadavid Ramírez Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó



Mystic experience, Epistemology, Constructivism, Budism, Robert Forman


With the crisis of the Newtonian paradigm at the beginning of the 20th century,
we see emerge a rapprochement between science, religion and mysticism,
encouraged by some of the most prominent quantum physicists, likewise,
epistemology will be affected and throughout the century XX sociolinguistic
reality is will begin a discussion about the objectivity of knowledge and
construction. Against this background, the mystical experience will be object of
study by epistemology, which affirm the mediated experiences such character
from a constructivist perspective. However, a review of this stance shows that it
is necessary to give a unique character to the mystical experience, which in turn
allows a renewed understanding of the mystical experience.


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Author Biography

Lina Marcela Cadavid Ramírez, Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó

Magister en Filosofía (con mención honorífica) por la Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín, Colombia. Miembro
del grupo de investigación Filosofía y Teología Crítica, de la Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó, Medellín,


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How to Cite

Cadavid Ramírez, L. M. (2016). Think the mystical experience from epistemology. Perseitas, 4(2), 139–152.



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