The strength of the Spirit (faith) in the indigenous (ancient) path
Ancient wisdom, faith, integrity, spiritualityAbstract
Our contemporary world is locked inside the reductionist and alienated vision prevailing throughout history; the value attributed to consumption, greed and individualism has buried the primal values of simplicity, humbleness and honesty. A strong need to look back on our own knowledge and psychology, has made us return to the wisdom of plants, grandparents, sacred places, practices and myths in order to abandon the rationalist delusion which divides and denies everything, but gazes at nothing. The path, walked amidst fire, mountains, Sie , chunsua and cansamarías allows gazing, recalling and recovering the basics in human existence: its own strength, its faith; which supports life, beyond any proof or verification, which grows in sweet words, in heartfelt weaves, in the very essence. It connects humans at their different levels, their psyches, which they in turn bond to love. Hence the importance of experiencing Sue, Chía, both with and within Hytcha Guaia , to experience the Spirit in its most latent form, to accept ego as one of the masters to understand being, to integrate matter and the transcendent, to surrender yourself to your forefathers’ law, to our own sacred, to deep conscience, to the warrior within, to life itself.
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