Questioning the self techique: the question of subjectivity in contemporary philosophy


  • Ricardo Andrade Rodríguez Universidad De San Buenaventura



Psychology, Self technique, Modernity, Comtemporaneity, Postmodernity


This article presents the preliminary product of a reflection on the emerging categories in a literary review part of a doctoral dissertation at Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana in Medellin. There is the question of the place of subjectivity in the disciplinary fundaments in psychology, as it is conceived today. As part of the conclusions there is a proposal that this discipline can be perceived from an alternative perspective as a common denomination of science and the need to question the self technique, as well as the need to question the notion of a subject that is at the base of the mental illness. Finally, there is the relevance to question this topic based on the work of Michel Foucault.  


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Author Biography

Ricardo Andrade Rodríguez, Universidad De San Buenaventura

Magíster en lingüística de la Universidad de Antioquia


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How to Cite

Andrade Rodríguez, R. (2015). Questioning the self techique: the question of subjectivity in contemporary philosophy. Perseitas, 3(2), 234–251.



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