The idol as a phenomenon


  • Diana Mejía Buitrago Colegio Teresiano de Envigado



Idol, Saturated phenomenon, Phenomenology, Metaphysics, Theological turn, Death of God.


The theological turn that basically proposes the recovery of the theology immersed in philosophy. In this context the task undertaken by Jean-Luc Marion in phenomenology is the reduction of metaphysics in order to give way to a new theology. Marion´s conception of philosophy is based on the idea of the death of God developed by Nietzsche and Heidegger, which represents the death of the idol and with it the death of metaphysics. The idol is exposed in the turn as a saturated phenomenon, which prevents mankind from understanding the things of the world beyond its representations. That is why phenomenology takes the road towards overcoming metaphysics and proposes turning knowledge towards divinity.


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Author Biography

Diana Mejía Buitrago, Colegio Teresiano de Envigado

Filósofa del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad de Antioquia


Bacon, F. (2011). La gran restauración (Novum Organum). Madrid: Tecnos.

Marion, J-L. (1999). El ídolo y la distancia. Salamanca: Editorial Sígueme.

Nietzsche, F. (2008). Así habló Zaratustra. Madrid: Alianza Editorial.

Restrepo, C. E. (2009). Visibilidad de lo invisible. Incursión a los fenómenos de revelación. En Anuario Colombiano de Fenomenología, Vol. III, (pp. 299-309). Medellín: Universidad de Antioquia.

Restrepo, C. E. (2011). En torno al ídolo y al icono derivas para una estética fenomenológica”. Fedro, Revista de estética y teoría de las artes, (10), 26-41.



How to Cite

Mejía Buitrago, D. (2015). The idol as a phenomenon. Perseitas, 3(2), 175–182.



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