Abelard to Héloïse: On silence and language


  • Andrés Felipe Ramírez Zuluaga Universidad de Antioquia




Abelard, Spirit, Silence, Language selfhood


This article focuses on the passage in the 8th epistolary letter in which Abelard focuses on silence as the essential rule for monastic life, for it reveals that it is not only a theological aspect, but to reflect on silence itself and the strange relation with language relates to us regardless of the era. This text is divided into two moments, the first one contextualizes the problem as well as Abelard´s thoughts and life; in the second one there is a hermeneutical analysis on the passage 259 D – 262 A, the third guideline for Abelard´s spiritual direction to Eloise, in which he points out silence as a way to relate to God, at the same time, there is a distinction between the language that comes from the divine to that which comes from one.


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Author Biography

Andrés Felipe Ramírez Zuluaga, Universidad de Antioquia

Filósofo del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad de Antioquia


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How to Cite

Ramírez Zuluaga, A. F. (2015). Abelard to Héloïse: On silence and language. Perseitas, 3(2), 138–153. https://doi.org/10.21501/23461780.1624



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