Polemos: an ethical-political vision of the war phenomenon in ancient Greece
Polis, Democracy, Politics, War, EthicsAbstract
This article tries to clarify and analyze the ethical and war connections that model the ethical tradition in ancient Greece up to the V century B.C. as well as expose and examine such ethical and war contents that prefigure the ethics tradition in the Greek culture under the critical vision offered in the Euripides Theater. In order to do so, there is an approach of the following issues: the war roots of the heroic ethics, the ethical transition from the heroic to the civic perspective, and finally, the ethical political criticism of the Euripides Theater to the war fundaments of the heroic ethics. Regarding the methodological comprehension framework, the analyses of this article are oriented form a socio-historical perspective that allows the analysis of the cultural practices of the Greek culture regarding their literary and intellectual constructions. In order to offer an anthropological and political vision of the ethical and war models of the Greek tradition.
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