Stages of research training in research incubators for language teachers


  • Jennifer Daniela Regalado Chicaiza Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Cindy Vergara Julio Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • José Vicente Abad Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



Research incubators, Formative research, Research training, Teacher education, Language teachers.


Considering the importance of research training in teacher education programs in Colombia, it is worth highlighting the contribution of research incubators to the training of new teacher researchers. To that aim, the present article gathers the experiences of some students from the research incubator in Language Teacher Education at Universidad Católica Luis Amigó. The article includes part of the results from the study Genesis of the Teacher Researcher in Research Incubators, led by members of the same research team, as well as the perspective of graduates from the research incubator who are already practicing teachers. This article offers a critical and reflective look at the personal and professional experience of some of the students who have taken part in the research incubator under the guidance of their coordinator. The article focuses on making known the perspectives of these students with regard to the different stages of their research training within the group. Authors conclude that participation in research incubators has a profound impact on the personal and professional identities of language teachers.


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How to Cite

Regalado Chicaiza, J. D., Vergara Julio, C., & Abad, J. V. (2020). Stages of research training in research incubators for language teachers. Ciencia Y Academia, (1), 145–155.



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