Organizational changes implemented from Covid-19 in a chemical laboratory in the city of Medellín




Organizational changes, Competitiveness, Employment conditions, Covid 19, Productivity, Job satisfaction


The objective of the study was to determine the influence of the organizational changes implemented in a laboratory in the city of Medellin, generated by the Covid 19 pandemic, on organizational aspects of the administrative order and business structure. The methodological approach used was qualitative, which was developed from the case study method, which allowed systematizing the experiences of eight collaborators and two managers of a laboratory in the city of Medellin regarding the organizational changes perceived as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic, perceptions
collected through a focus group and two semi-structured interviews. The results show that organizational impacts have a direct influence on productivity since each
decision taken can increase or decrease the efficiency of the company, likewise, these changes influence job satisfaction, especially when there are staff cuts, since this situation can alter the work environment and fragment the sense of belonging. If productivity and job satisfaction are affected, competitiveness is compromised, a situation that forces organizations to review their management of change. One
of the central conclusions of the study indicates that organizational changes have an integral effect on organizations, which, depending on the type of management applied by the company, can generate positive or negative effects, since the course of the business, the stability of the collaborators, the efficiency of the processes and, in general, the competitive qualities of the organization depend on the management of change.


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How to Cite

Zapata Vásquez, C. O. ., & Quintero Arango , L. F. . (2024). Organizational changes implemented from Covid-19 in a chemical laboratory in the city of Medellín. Ciencia Y Academia, (5).



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