Influence of music on adolescent behavior


  • Jhon Steven Marín Institución Educativa Juan Maria Cespedes



Music; Influence; Identity; Personality; Behavior.


Music has accompanied the human being for a long time and, in addition, it has served as an element to identify cultures and ways of acting. At present it is known that it is directly related to our brain activity, thus generating all kinds of stimuli that can reach movement. Today, rhythms and melodies have more place in society. Music comes to man both by taste and by saturation of his exterior. This to a great extent to young people, who in their new stage are looking for other environments in which they can interact and feel identified, one of them is the musical, the same one that is under a fairly globalized industry that can reach almost all parts of the world. world. However, this relationship can generate rebellious and inappropriate
behaviors in adolescents, since with those who negotiate their identity, they are more interested in the profits that songs can generate, than the great communicative effects that it has on adolescents. For this reason, it is necessary for society to give more visibility to music and the effects it can have on the behavior of young people.


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How to Cite

Marín, J. S. . (2023). Influence of music on adolescent behavior. Ciencia Y Academia, (4).