Enneagrams as a strategy to classify personality


  • Ana Maria Sáenz Botero Institución Educativa Juan Maria Cespedes




Personality; Classification; Psychology; Enneagram.


Each of the people in the world has characteristics and attitudes that represent them and make them different from all those around them, all that this includes such as the way of thinking, expressing themselves, acting and how they are in a general
way it’s what makes the union of what is the being of them, their essence. From psychology’s point, which aims to study what the human being is, their mental processes, perceptions, sensations and behaviors in relation to the environment in which it develops, we can find a tool that allows us to fit each one of these aspects in general types, quite detailed classifications with explanations in various areas or very important aspects in the development of each human, this tool is known as“enneagrams”. In the present work, everything that is related to this tool is analyzed and deepened, such as its objectives, possibilities, classifications, study methods and effectiveness according to various sources that will allow us an accurate approach and conclusion about the whole topic.


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Palmer, H. (1996). El eneagrama. La Liebre de Marzo, S.L. https://salvablog01.files.wordpress.com/2017/07/eneagrama-helen-palmer.pdf

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How to Cite

Sáenz Botero, A. M. . (2023). Enneagrams as a strategy to classify personality. Ciencia Y Academia, (4). https://doi.org/10.21501/2744838X.4650