The “bad” guys: Callous Unemotional and proactive aggression
Callous Unemotional, Proactive aggression, Childs, Adolescents, Antisocial behaviors, Conduct disordersAbstract
The purpose of this article with narrative exposition, aims to identify the influence of the traits of emotional insensitivity or Callous Unemotional Traits (CU) in Proactive
Aggression, with the interest of analyzing if there is an existing relationship. Information is collected through bibliographic material in scientific journals from
different databases, between 2016 and 2022. The results show that the CU traits present a positive, but moderate correlation with proactive and reactive aggression,
the high psychopathic traits in childhood show an unfavorable evolution in adolescence, relating to antisocial friends, with illegal drug use, demonstrating a significant increase in proactive aggression, which indicates that CU traits correlate with proactive aggression. Finally, the different positions between the studies suggest that valid associations were found between CUT traits and proactive aggression.
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