The creatio ex nihilo and the Rationes seminalis in agustinian cosmology




Ontology, Cosmology, Creationism, Saint Augustine of Hippo, Creatio ex nihilo


The thought of saint Agustín of Hipona coats a special burden regarding to the considerations around the explication of the origin of the world, his creation, his
formation and his consolidation. For this reason this article is proposed to investigate about the ontological and philosophical basics of the augustinian theory of the
creation, divided into two moments: a) the recognition of the meaning of creatio ex nihilo and the ratio seminalis as a neuralgic concepts in the creationists theory of saint Agustin and b) the analysis of the same concepts in the light of two moments or senses identified for the environment of the narration of the creation. Recurring
to the twelfth book of Confessions and many books of De Genessi ad literam are identified that although in principle saint Agustín find a narrative problem between the introduction and rationale of the concepts mentioned allow you to understand the creation as an voluntary act from God in the same moment (simultaneous creation) expressed in two different parts, no in temporary terms, otherwise, casual terms.


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How to Cite

Gil Calle, S. de J. ., & Hernández Valencia, J. S. (2024). The creatio ex nihilo and the Rationes seminalis in agustinian cosmology . Ciencia Y Academia, (5).



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