Psychosocial and organizational factors generated by the COVID-19 in the collaborators of the optical sector in the city of Medellín


  • Nivia Yancelly Zuluaga Osorio Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Luis Fernando Quintero Arango Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



The objective of this article was to determine the psychosocial and organizational effects generated by Covid-19 in the collaborators of an optician in the city of Medellín. The methodology chosen for this article is the quantitative approach, with an exploratory design, the instrument used was a survey applied to 16 collaborators. Among the results, a high prevalence of physical and psychological symptoms was found, such as headache, gastritis, sleeping difficulties, stress, anxiety, constant worries and fear of contagion; In addition, many lost part of their income, few were fully supported, and very few had other sources of income. It is concluded that the collaborators of this company were negatively affected, not only in health, but also in motivation, which reduces the quality of work life and generates difficulties in achieving the same degree of productivity as before the pandemic.


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How to Cite

Zuluaga Osorio, N. Y. ., & Quintero Arango, L. F. . (2022). Psychosocial and organizational factors generated by the COVID-19 in the collaborators of the optical sector in the city of Medellín. Ciencia Y Academia, (3).



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