The construct of engagement in Colombia: a theoretical review


  • Laura Patiño Castro Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Claudia Marcela Arana Medina Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Diana Marcela Zapata Arismendy Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Jorge Humberto Patiño Madrid Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Omar Rodríguez González Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana FUNIBER
  • Lucila Cárdenas Niño Universidad San Buenaventura-Medellin



Engagement is an Anglo-Saxon term that has taken on great meaning in current organizations, whose translation into Spanish is not so simple, since it does not properly mean commitment to the company or to the task developed, it is more transcendental, because it is more associated with a positive mental state of the person. (Schaufeli, et al., 2002). It is for this reason that it is being of attention for current organizations, since it determines the ability of an individual to bond with the company and leave their maximum potential in them, being happy. In this order of ideas, the interest of this investigative review arises, which focuses on highlighting the most accepted conceptualization of the aforementioned construct, the most representative theoretical models and the most used psychometric instruments. An exhaustive documentary review is carried out seeking to nurture the information that is available about Engagement in the Colombian labor field, and based on it, to be able to make significant contributions regarding the awareness and intervention of it, in order to intervene through the identification of the needs that emerge in organizations in this particular context.


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How to Cite

Patiño Castro, L. ., Arana Medina , C. M. ., Zapata Arismendy, D. M. ., Patiño Madrid, J. H. ., Rodríguez González, O. ., & Cárdenas Niño, L. . (2022). The construct of engagement in Colombia: a theoretical review. Ciencia Y Academia, (3).



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