Impulse control disturbances and suicidal behavior


  • Manuela Cortés Cortés Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • María Valentina Velásquez Buitrago
  • Yesid Felipe Tapias Medina
  • César Andrés Carmona-Cardona



Knowledge about suicidal behavior is beginning to take on great relevance due to the number of lives that are lost daily as a result of this phenomenon. Thus, there are more and more neurocognitive theories that seek to explain suicide, specifically those that study inhibitory control that generate more controversy as to whether or not there is a direct relationship. Thus, the objective of this narrative review is to explore the current state of knowledge regarding the link between inhibitory control and suicidal behavior. Throughout this investigation, discrepancies were found in which various authors consider that there is a relationship between suicidal behavior and inhibitory control based on the results obtained from the instruments applied in relation to the executive functions applied. In the same way, it can also be observed that the debate arises when low scores are evidenced that indicate a deterioration of cognitive inhibition in suicidal behavior, which fluctuate from cases with slight differences in subjects with ideation or previous attempts, to cases in which a high connection between the two is estimated.


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How to Cite

Cortés Cortés, M., Velásquez Buitrago, M. V., Tapias Medina, Y. F., & Carmona-Cardona, C. A. (2022). Impulse control disturbances and suicidal behavior. Ciencia Y Academia, (3).



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