Compassionate care from the SICO research seminars
Groups that require care, such as the elderly and people with disabilities, represent a significant number in society. His care has been affected due to the family transformations that have arisen in recent years. As a society, solutions must be sought to prepare participants during their training and are aware of caring for those who need it. That is why there is the problem and the need to raise awareness and encourage, from childhood, caring for the other in a compassionate way. The school is one of the agents of socialization of the human being, in order that it offers the formation of prosocial behaviors that help to develop skills at an early age that can contribute to care, thus complementing what is learned at home. In this way, educational institutions and schools would not only educate in knowledge, but also in being and thus, in the formation of citizens capable of living together and recognizing the other from their well-being and dignity.
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