The teaching role and formative research, nuance from reflection and knowledge generation


  • Yuliana Colorado Pineda Universidad San Buenaventura-Medellin
  • Luz Yolanda Rentería Moreno Universidad San Buenaventura-Medellin
  • Juliana Peralta Carvajal Universidad San Buenaventura-Medellin
  • Valentina Ibáñez Manjarres Universidad San Buenaventura-Medellin
  • Jessica Holguín Ruíz Universidad San Buenaventura-Medellin
  • Daniela Carvajal Loaiza Universidad San Buenaventura-Medellin
  • Andrea Stephania Buriticá Bolaños Universidad San Buenaventura-Medellin



The XXI century and the globalizing trends in all the fields in which human beings
develop promote historical and social changes and transformations, it is therefore
the educational field and the training of professionals with research skills and
competences that would be able to make a difference in the training practices of future
teachers, teachers with commitment to the commitment from the dissemination and
production of knowledge based on reflections and critical positions that reconstruct
the realities and the reconstruct the realities and manage to solve the different
questions that arise from the readings that are made of the readings that are made
of the different environments (García López, 2015). The teacher must have a nuance
between his profession and the investigative work, where he is continually concerned
about building and generating his own knowledge, analysis and conclusions of
research exercises, in order to avoid the replication of previous models in the
educational area that only lead to lack of interest and educational quality, evading
one of the fundamental purposes of the formation of human beings as it is the social
commitment, because it should be taken as a point of reference the observation of
a particular context and its characteristics, inquire into the past about the compiled
situations and collect all this to form the critical and analytical thinking from bases
with foundations, which is the result of an investigative process of character. the
result of an investigative process.


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Fernández-Fernández, S., Arias-Blanco, J. M., Fernández-Alonso, R., BurgueraCondon, J., & Fernández-Raigoso, M. (2016). Pensamiento reflexivo e investigador en Educación. Aspectos a tener en cuenta en la formación del profesorado.

RELIEVE, 22(2), 1-17. García López, G. (2015). La investigación en la formación docente inicial: Una mirada desde la perspectiva sociotransformadora. Saber, 27(1), 143–151.

Hernández Arteaga, I. (2009). El docente investigador en la formación de profesionales. Revista Virtual Universidad Católica del Norte, 1(27), 1–21.

Universidad EAFIT. (25 de mayo de 2017). El papel de la investigación en la transformación de la escuela [Video]. YouTube.



How to Cite

Colorado Pineda, Y., Rentería Moreno, L. Y. ., Peralta Carvajal, J. ., Ibáñez Manjarres, V. ., Holguín Ruíz, J. ., Carvajal Loaiza, D. ., & Buriticá Bolaños, A. S. . (2022). The teaching role and formative research, nuance from reflection and knowledge generation. Ciencia Y Academia, (3).


