Energy use of the industrial washing at Relianz CAT company




Heat exchanger, thermodynamics,heat transfer,exhaust gas,heat transfer


An energy improvement system is developed with the exhaust gases generated
from the component washing process of the disassembly workshop of the Relianz
CAT company, located in Soledad, department of Atlántico-Colombia. Initially,
measurements were made to know the current operating conditions of the process
and the analysis of the possible flows to carry out the energetic improvement.
Subsequently, a bibliographic search of techniques used in the industry for energy
recovery is carried out in order to define the network of the heat exchanger and
industrial services necessary to achieve an adequate use the company’s thermal
energy. Based on the previous information, it was decided to propose a TEMA G
shell and tube exchanger with four ways through the tubes, 246 tubes and 1,8 m
in length. A water preheating temperature of over 60 °C is achieved with an energy
saving of 2653 kW, for the steam output a condensate flow rate of 1.11 kg/s is
achieved. With the proposed shell and tube heat exchanger, a monthly savings
of COP 51.383.040 would be achieved and an investment recovery time of less
than two months. In addition, with the design proposal, there is a carbon dioxide
emission anual saving of 668 tons of carbon dioxide per year and a possible saving
of monthly water volume of 28877 m3
that can be used in irrigation systems, initial
cleaning of components, and cleanliness of facilities.


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Author Biography

Luis Fernando Cardona-Palacio, Fundación Universitaria Luis Amigó

Departamento Ciencias Básicas
Medellín, Colombia


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How to Cite

Cardona-Palacio, L. F., & Martínez Monsalve, V. O. (2023). Energy use of the industrial washing at Relianz CAT company. Ciencia Y Academia, (4).



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