Generic competencies in the field of organizational psychology: a theoretical review


  • Juan David Berrío Amariles Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Claudia Marcela Arana Medina Universidad Católica Luis Amigó
  • Juan Diego Betancur Arias Universidad Católica Luis Amigó



Psychology, Competencies, Generic competencies, Organizational psychology, Measurement instruments


From the psychology of work, a competency is the integration of elements such as: knowledge, techniques, attitudes, procedures and values, which a person needs to
solve a specific situation. For this essay, generic or transversal competencies will be of greater interest, which include knowledge, skills or abilities, and are not usually
related to specific activities, but are necessary in any work environment. As part of the discussion of this essay, it is worth highlighting the importance of implementing instruments to measure these competencies in an objective, reliable and valid manner. We can affirm that among the best known tests are the DISC, decision, interaction, serenity and compliance factors, where in the development center, several competencies can be monitored.


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How to Cite

Berrío Amariles , J. D., Arana Medina , C. M. ., & Betancur Arias , J. D. . (2022). Generic competencies in the field of organizational psychology: a theoretical review. Ciencia Y Academia, (2).